Monday, June 15, 2009

is that a pickle in your pocket?

so we ate her!

1 3/4 cups water
3/4 vinegar
3 tablespoon kosher salt

1 awesome cucumber .. from my garden.
a ton a dill .. from my garden.
a little bit of basil .. from my garden.
and some garlic i bought. =)

first off I mixed the brine ingredients and set them to boil.

after that we chopped of the dill, basil, and two cloves of garlic for the seasoning.

we put a layer of the herb mixture in the bottom.

next.. we took turn chopping up the cucumber!@

stuffed a few in, added a layer of spices.

stuffed some more cucumbers in. more spices.

by then the brine mixture was boiling. we slowly poured then brine into the jar covering the cucumbers and the pickle seasonings! from my garden!

we heated up the jar lid in some warm water then placed it on the jar. screwed on the ring and ..

tada! now time to seal the jar!

we dropped the jar into a hot boiling tub of water and let it cook for about 15 minutes (next batch will probably cook less time, so they'll be crunchier).

cook cook cook!

after 15 mins we pulled it out and stuck it in the cabinet for about three days.. then into the refrigerator! i had my first yummy home made home grown pickle a day later and it was great!

1 comment:

Julie said...

Those pickles look so good that you made from your cucumber!!! Awesome!!!