Sunday, May 31, 2009

an update!

i know it's been awhile. we've had some family health issues that have taken up a lot of time. also, fallout 3 didn't help much.

over the rainy season we had quite a fungus problem. we've gotten that taken care of. now we're starting to get veggies! we've harvested our first two tomatoes.. it's funny, these are the fruit that were on the plants when we purchased them.. now that we've removed them the plants have gone into overtime on production. in the next few days i'll take a good set of pictures and video.

we've added a few things to the garden. we got another tomato plant, celebrity tomatoes. a little tomatillo plant. we've moved the strawberries out of the raised bed into their own pots.. i'm afraid i have a sneaky little squirrel stealing them, so we're going to put them nearer to the house. i also added peanuts and a new habanero plant.. our peppers didn't enjoy the partial shade.

oh! and we whacked down a ton of trees laaast weekend. so now we have a lot more light. i think we're going to go another round closer it gets to bulk trash week.

so until a better photo update i would like to tickle your eyebuds with the progression of my first cucumber! as of now it's still on the vine and hasn't reached maturity.