Monday, May 17, 2010

flowers and pumpkins and herbs, oh my!

this is a nice side view of the fennel so you can seen how tall she is. the kale is at the bottom.

actually.. it could be romaine. i'm not sure. they were two freebie seeds that popped up in the carrot seeds!

and my marigolds.

PUMPKINS! there are three vines.. they've really started going. i'm in search of a clear plastic box to make some square pumpkins.. ANYONE HAVE ONE? =D

look at all of those little baby flowers!

a few of the already pollinated pumpkin flowers. (fingers crossed.)


moss roses


that is a bad bug. if you see it, kill it. i believe it's a cucumber beetle larvae.

my tiger lily wants to wake up. it's coming!


Ms_DebbieG said...

Check Dollar Tree for plastic square boxes, last time I was there they even had a heart shaped one. That would be too cool, a heart shaped pumpkin!!

Julie said...

Hi. Just foundyour blog. I am a succulent lover and love your Mexican Hat on next post. Here I wanted to say I have never heard of putting a clear box around pumpkins to make them go funny and fun! I will kep my eyes open for something you can use as I shop...can't hink of anywhere right off hand.
Your blog is really fun... to see all of your flowers and plants!!!