Monday, April 26, 2010

the end of april

i'm lazy, i know! so here's a few updates for ya!

french beans
pretty purple basil
the onion garden.. i need to cut the blooms out of the onions apparently! i learned that from a coworker today.. if you let the bloom continue and go to seed.. it's going to shoot a bloom stalk down into the bulb.. the onion.. and then use the onion as energy.. ie bad tasting small onions!

baby sago coming back to life.
and baby cacti. =D

the smaller of the two tiger lilies planted in the wildflower garden.
the larger.
the wildflower garden taking off!

the carrots.

cilantro flowers. =) the seeds are coriander!
serious oregano.
a variegated almost succulent oregano. it's great.

more cilantro flowers.. they're so dainty and sweet.

baby fennel leaf.
onion bloom up close!

and some moss roses!

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