not too much to report. the pepper garden is not so much.. and i think we finally figured out why. well, us geniuses thought it would be a great idea to plant a thing of catnip in the middle of the pepper garden.. not so much? i caught my cat tinkling on it the other day - i'm sure every other puss in the neighborhood has been getting some action, too.
so apparently, we're good at growing cucumbers! the roma tomato plant produced about 15 tomatoes.. now, as well as the celebrity and better bush plants, bloom over and over and over and i guess they just don't pollinate. i've started rubbing the little flowers together so we'll see if that helps..
this a nice close up of my sage, it has great texture.
tons of cucumbers! i'm going to get two or three different kinds of cucumbers next year.
i wuv their fingers.
this is my first okra! yay!
aaand josh loving his kids.
a nice sunrise for you night folk.